Alaska Statutes.
Title 14. Education, Libraries, and Museums
Chapter 25. Teachers' Retirement
previous: Section 680. Required Alcohol and Drug Related Disabilities Training.
next: Section 10. Retirement System Established; Federal Qualification Requirements.

Chapter 25. Teachers' Retirement

Section 1. Purpose.
Section 2. Attorney General.
Section 3. Administrator.
Section 4. Powers and Duties of the Administrator.
Section 5. Regulations.
Section 6. Appeals.
Section 7. Investment Management of Retirement System Funds.
Section 8. Definitions.
Section 9. Applicability of AS 14.25.009 - 14.25.220.
Section 10. Retirement Plan Established; Federal Qualification Requirements.
Section 12. Purpose and Effective Date.
Section 15. - 14.25.037 Administrator; Powers of teh Administrator; Regulations; Duties of the Administrator; Teacher's Retirement Board; Hearings. [Repealed, § 132 Ch 9 FSSLA 2005].
Section 40. Membership; Credited Service.
Section 43. Reemployment of Retired Members.
Section 45. Participation By National Education Association Employees. [Repealed, § 116(a) Ch 20 SLA 2007].
Section 47. Participation By Special Education Service Agency Employees.
Section 48. Teachers of Alaska Native Language and Culture.
Section 50. Contributions By Members.
Section 55. Supplemental Contributions By Teachers.
Section 60. Arrearage Indebtedness.
Section 61. Retroactive Indebtedness.
Section 62. Reinstatement Indebtedness. [Repealed, § 133, ch 9 FSSLA 2005.]
Section 63. Payment of Indebtedness.
Section 65. Transmittal of Contributions; Claims Against Funds of an Employer.
Section 70. Contributions By Employers.
Section 75. Purchase of Credited Service.
Section 80. Contributions By the State. [Repealed, § 25 Ch 91 SLA 1987].
Section 85. Additional State Contributions.
Section 87. Contributions for Medical Benefits.
Section 90. Contributions By the State For Arrearages. [Repealed, § 7 Ch 66 SLA 1973].
Section 100. Credit For Service in the Armed Forces.
Section 105. Credit For Service as An Employee of the Territory of Alaska.
Section 107. Credit For Alaska Bia Service.
Section 110. Retirement Benefits.
Section 115. Unused Sick Leave Credit.
Section 120. Manner of Computing Service Retirement Salary. [Repealed, § 50 Ch 13 SLA 1980].
Section 125. Conditional Service Retirement Benefits.
Section 130. Disability Benefits.
Section 135. - 14.25.140 Deferred Retirement Benefits; Notification of Intent to Retire; Manner of Computing Disability Retirement Salary. [Repealed, § 50 Ch 13 SLA 1980].
Section 142. Cost-of-Living Allowance.
Section 143. Post Retirement Pension Adjustment.
Section 145. Interest On Individual Accounts.
Section 150. Refund Upon Termination.
Section 153. Rights Under Qualified Domestic Relations Order.
Section 155. Nonoccupational Death Benefits.
Section 157. Occupational Death Benefits.
Section 160. Death Benefits.
Section 162. Survivor's Allowance.
Section 163. Rollover Distributions and Rollover Contributions.
Section 164. Spouse's Pension.
Section 165. Distribution Requirements.
Section 166. Designation of Beneficiary.
Section 167. Joint and Survivor Option.
Section 168. Medical Benefits.
Section 169. Duplicate Benefits.
Section 170. Administration. [Repealed, § 132 Ch 9 FSSLA 2005].
Section 173. Adjustments.
Section 175. Waiver of Adjustments.
Section 177. Effect of Amendments; Determination of Benefits Upon Termination.
Section 180. Management and Investment of Fund. [Repealed, § 132 Ch 9 FSSLA 2005].
Section 181. Exclusive Benefit; Use of Forfeitures; Limitations.
Section 190. Management and Investment of Fund. [Repealed, § 132 Ch 9 FSSLA 2005].
Section 195. Special Rules For Treatment of Qualified Military Service.
Section 200. Exemption From Taxation and Process.
Section 205. Time Limit For Application.
Section 210. Penalty For False Statements.
Section 212. Pension Forfeiture.
Section 220. Definitions.
Section 310. Applicability of AS 14.25.310 - 14.25.590.
Section 320. Defined Contribution Retirement Plan Established.
Section 330. Membership.
Section 340. Contributions by Members.
Section 345. Employment Contributions Mandatory.
Section 350. Contributions by Employers.
Section 360. Rollover Contributions and Distributions.
Section 370. Transmittal of Contributions; Claims Against Funds of an Employer; Use of Contributions.
Section 380. Limitations on Contributions and Benefits.
Section 390. Vesting.
Section 400. Investment of Individual Accounts.
Section 410. Distribution Election Termination.
Section 420. Forms of Distribution.
Section 430. Manner of Electing Distributions.
Section 440. Distribution Requirements.
Section 450. Designation of Beneficiary.
Section 460. Rights Under Qualified Domestic Relations Order.
Section 470. Eligibility for Retirement and Medical Benefits.
Section 480. Medical Benefits.
Section 485. Occupational Disability Benefits and Reemployment of Disabled Members.
Section 486. Disability Benefit Adjustment.
Section 487. Occupational Death Benefit.
Section 488. Survivor's Pension Adjustment.
Section 489. Premiums for Retiree Major Medical Insurance Coverage Upon Termination of Disability Benefits or Survivor's Pension.
Section 490. Amendment and Termination of Plan.
Section 500. Exclusive Benefit.
Section 510. Nonguarantee of Returns, Rates, or Benefit Amounts.
Section 520. Nonguarantee of Employment.
Section 530. Fraud.
Section 532. Pension Forfeiture.
Section 540. Transfer into Defined Contribution Retirement Plan by Nonvested Members of Defined Benefit Retirement Plan.
Section 550. Membership in Teachers' and Public Employees' Retirement Systems.
Section 560. Legislators Who Have Been Teachers.
Section 570. Participation by National Education Association Employees. [Repealed, § 116(a) Ch 20 SLA 2007].
Section 580. Participation by Special Education Service Agency Employees.
Section 582. Special Rules for Treatment of Qualified Military Service.
Section 590. Definitions.

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