- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 37. Public Finance
- Chapter 5. Fiscal Procedures Act
- Section 146. Definition of Program Receipts and Non-General Fund Program Receipts.
Section 144. Appropriations Based Upon Program Receipts.
Section 150. Funds and Accounts.
AS 37.05.146. Definition of Program Receipts and Non-General Fund Program Receipts.
- (a) In AS 37.05.142
- 37.05.146 and AS 37.07.080
, "program receipts" means fees, charges, income earned on assets, and other state money received by a state agency in
connection with the performance of its functions. Unless otherwise provided in this section, program receipts are
accounted for within, and appropriated from, the general fund of the state.
- (b) The program receipts listed in this subsection are accounted for separately, and appropriations from these program
receipts are not made from the unrestricted general fund:
- (1) federal receipts;
- (2) University of Alaska receipts (AS 14.40.491
- (3) designated program receipts; in this paragraph, "designated program receipts" means money received by the state from a
source other than the state or federal government that is restricted to a specific use by the terms of a gift, grant,
bequest, or contract;
- (4) receipts of or from the trust established by AS 37.14.400
- 37.14.450, except reimbursements described in AS 37.14.410
- (5) receipts of the Alaska Fire Standards Council for which a taxpayer is allowed a credit under AS 21.89.075
- (c) The program receipts of the following are accounted for separately, and appropriations from these program receipts are
not made from the unrestricted general fund:
- (1) highway working capital fund (AS 44.68.210
- (2) [Repealed, Sec. 10 ch 58 SLA 2006].
- (3) loan funds;
- (4) international airport revenue fund (AS 37.15.430
- (5) corporate receipts earned or managed by a public corporation of the state;
- (6) fish and game fund (AS 16.05.100
- (7) school fund (AS 43.50.140
- (8) training and building fund (AS 23.20.130
- (9) retirement funds (AS 14.25, AS 22.25, AS 26.05.222
, AS 39.35, and former AS 39.37);
- (10) permanent fund (art. IX, sec. 15, Alaska Constitution);
- (11) public school trust fund (AS 37.14.110
- (12) second injury fund (AS 23.30.040
- (13) fishermen's fund (AS 23.35.060
- (14) FICA administration fund (AS 39.30.050
- (15) receipts of the employee benefits program established under AS 39.30.150 - 39.30.180;
- (16) receipts of the deferred compensation program established under AS 39.45;
- (17) clean air protection fund (AS 46.14.260
- (18) receipts of the group insurance programs established under AS 39.30.090;
- (19) mental health trust fund (AS 37.14.031
- (20) Alaska children's trust (AS 37.14.200
- (21) commercial fisheries test fishing operations (AS 16.05.050(a)(15));
- (22) Regulatory Commission of Alaska under AS 42.05 and AS 42.06;
- (23) Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission under AS 31.05;
- (24) receipts of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development under AS 08.01.065
and from fines and penalties collected in licensing and disciplinary actions for occupations under AS 08.01.010;
- (25) receipts from the seafood marketing assessment under AS 16.51.120 - 16.51.170, and receipts of the Alaska Seafood Marketing
- (26) the administrative cost charge under AS 44.33.113
for the state's role in the federal community development quota program;
- (27) dive fishery management assessment receipts (AS 43.76.150
), salmon fishery assessment receipts (AS 43.76.220
), and permit buy-back assessment receipts (AS 43.76.300
- (28) process service fees collected by the Department of Public Safety;
- (29) Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission under AS 16.05.490
, 16.05.530, and AS 16.43;
- (30) receipts of the Alaska Vocational Technical Center;
- (31) Alaska Pioneers' Home and Alaska Veterans' Home care and support receipts under AS 47.55.030
- (32) receipts of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities from tolls charged for use of the Whittier Tunnel;
- (33) receipts of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, division of insurance, from license fees
and fees for services;
- (34) receipts of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development from its functions relating to banking,
securities, and corporations;
- (35) receipts of the Department of Corrections from the electronic prisoner monitoring program under AS 33.30.065
- (36) receipts of the Department of Corrections from the operation of community residential centers;
- (37) receipts of the Alaska Police Standards Council;
- (38) receipts of the Department of Public Safety from fees for fire and life safety plan checks under AS 18.70.080
- (39) receipts of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities from the measurement standards and commercial
vehicle enforcement program;
- (40) receipts of the Department of Education and Early Development for teacher certification under AS 14.20.020
- (41) receipts of the Professional Teaching Practices Commission from professional certification fees;
- (42) receipts of the Department of Health and Social Services, Bureau of Vital Statistics;
- (43) receipts of the Department of Corrections from the inmate telephone system;
- (44) receipts of the Department of Public Safety from the Alaska automated fingerprint system under AS 44.41.025
- (45) receipts of the Department of Administration from the boat registration program under AS 05.25.096
- (46) state land disposal program (AS 38.04.022
- (47) shore fisheries development lease program account (AS 38.05.082(f));
- (48) timber receipts account (AS 38.05.110
- (49) workers' safety and compensation administration account (AS 23.05.067);
- (50) receipts of fees for recording and related services of the Department of Natural Resources (AS 40.17.030
(a)(10), 40.17.070; AS 44.37.025(b), 44.37.027(c); AS 45.29.303
(b), 45.29.525, and 45.29.619(b));
- (51) receipts described in AS 46.03.482
(b)(1) and (2) received under the commercial passenger vessel environmental compliance program;
- (52) receipts of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for fees for business licenses and license
endorsements under AS 43.70;
- (53) receipts of fees for certain inspections deposited under AS 05.20.060, AS 18.60.360
, 18.60.395, 18.60.800, and AS 18.62.030
in the building safety account created under AS 44.31.025
- (54) passenger facility charges collected at state-owned and operated airports under Federal Aviation Administration
- (55) money received by the Department of Environmental Conservation from the inspection of food under AS 17.20;
- (56) fees received by the Department of Natural Resources under AS 41.21.026 for the use of state park system facilities;
- (57) application and renewal fees received by the Department of Public Safety under AS 18.65.400
- 18.65.490 for licenses for security guards and
security guard agencies;
- (58) fees received by the Department of Public Safety under AS 18.65.700 - 18.65.790 for the issuance, renewal, and replacement of
permits to carry concealed handguns;
- (59) monetary recoveries by the Department of Health and Social Services of Medicaid expenditures from recipients, third
parties, and providers under AS 47;
- (60) the state's share of overpayments collected by the Department of Health and Social Services under AS 47.05.080
- (61) income received by the Department of Health and Social Services from a state or federal agency for children in foster
care under AS 47.14.100;
- (62) fees received by the Department of Health and Social Services under AS 44.29.022
for nursing and planning services provided at health centers;
- (63) fees received by the Department of Health and Social Services under AS 44.29.022
for genetic screening clinics and specialty clinics;
- (64) fees received by the Department of Health and Social Services under AS 18.08.080
for the certification of emergency medical technicians, emergency medical dispatchers, and emergency medical
technician instructors;
- (65) fees collected by the Department of Health and Social Services under AS 44.29.022
from the certification of x-ray machines;
- (66) fees collected under AS 44.29.022
by the Department of Health and Social Services under the Alcohol Safety Action Program;
- (67) fees received by the Department of Health and Social Services under AS 47.32 ;
- (68) charges, rentals, and fees for airport or air navigation facility contracts, leases, and other arrangements under AS
and 02.15.090;
- (69) fees for utility facility permits under AS 02.15.102
, encroachment permits under AS 02.15.106
, utility right-of-way permits under AS 19.25.010
, and utility facility permits under AS 35.10.210
- (70) recoveries of repair costs for damage to highway fixtures;
- (71) the state's share of child support collections for reimbursement of the cost of the Alaska temporary assistance
program as provided under AS 25.27.120
, 25.27.130, and AS 47.27.040
- (72) vehicle registration fees collected under AS 28.10.421
and other fees and charges collected under AS 28.10.441
- (73) fees for drivers' licenses, drivers' permits, renewals, and driver skills tests collected under AS 28.15.271
- (74) user fees and other fees collected by the Department of Education and Early Development under AS 14.57.010
- (75) student tuition and other fees related to schools that are operated by the state and collected under AS 14.07.030
- (76) receipts of fees for registration and renewal of registration for the sale of business opportunities under AS 45.66.040
- (77) emission control permit receipts account (AS 46.14.265 );
- (78) workers' compensation benefits guaranty fund (AS 23.30.082 );
- (79) receipts of the Department of Environmental Conservation from the registration of pesticides and broadcast
chemicals and the licensing of pesticide applicators under AS 44.46.025 ;
- (80) proceeds from prison employment, including deductions from prisoner wages for the cost of confinement under
AS 33.30.201 (b) and forfeited wages under AS 33.30.201 (e);
- (81) fees collected under AS 18.74.080 ;
- (82) civil legal services fund under AS 37.05.590 .
All content © 2008 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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